时间 | 校长 |
1900.01 – 1907.02 | 安·格·加加林 |
1907.03 – 1907.09 | 阿·谢·博斯尼科夫 |
1907.09 – 1908.09 | 伊·弗·梅谢尔斯基 |
1908.09 – 1911.09 | 阿·谢·博斯尼科夫 |
1911.09 – 1917.09 | 弗·弗·斯科贝里钦 |
1917.09 – 1918.12 | 阿·阿·拉特茨格 |
1918.12 – 1919.05 | 米·安·沙捷连 |
1919.05 – 1919.11 | 弗·尤·列文松-列辛格 |
1919.11 – 1921.08 | 德·巴·鲁兹斯基 |
1921.08 – 1922.01 | 列·瓦·扎鲁茨基 |
1922.01 – 1925.06 | 鲍·耶·沃罗比约夫 |
1925.06 – 1928.10 | 阿·阿·拜伊科夫 |
1928.11 – 1929.08 | 彼·阿·果博捷夫 |
1929.08 – 1929.12 | 阿·雅·舒姆斯基 |
1930.02 – 1930.06 | 雅·赫·达夫捷安 |
1930 -1940年间 | 学院分为若干部门 |
1934.07 – 1935.07 | 格·雅·施雷依贝尔 |
1935.07 – 1936.07 | 彼·安·丘尔金 |
1936.08 – 1937.07 | 瓦·格·耶夫多基莫夫 |
1937.09 – 1938.06 | 基·瓦·诺维科夫 |
1938.06 – 1940.11 | 谢·安·斯米尔诺夫 |
1940.11 – 1941.12 | 彼·安·丘尔金 |
1942.03 – 1944.09 | 谢·安·谢尔久科夫 |
1944.09 – 1946.06 | 巴·拉·卡兰达洛夫 |
1946.06 – 1951. 06 | 康·尼·施马尔古诺夫 |
1951.06 – 1956.03 | 阿·费·阿拉贝舍夫 |
1956.03 – 1973.03 | 瓦·谢·斯米尔诺夫 |
1973.04 – 1983.10 | 康·巴·谢列兹涅夫 |
1983.05 – 2003.10 | 尤·谢·瓦西里耶夫 |
2003.10 – 2011.05 | 米·彼·费德罗夫 |
2011.05 – 至今 | 安·伊·鲁茨科伊 |



- 清华大学校长高景德(中国第一个在俄罗斯取得科技博士的人)。
- 清华大学副校长 倪维斗
- 顾乐观重庆大学校长兼党委书记
- 西北工业大学傅恒志校长
- 还有很多其他杰出人士。
- Verner Albring, Dresden University of Technology, Germany, First Honorary Doctor of SPbSPU (former LPI), 1984.
- Jiři Klima, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, 1986.
- Markus Speidel, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zűrich, Switzerland, 1987.
- Hinrich Seidel, Hanover University, Germany, 1989.
- Boleslaw Mazurkiewicz, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, 1989.
- Herbert Kraus, Karl-Franzens University, Graz, Austria, 1989.
- Fu-Hengzhi, Northwest Polytechnic University, Xian, P.R. China, 1990.
- Hermann Maurer, Graz University of Technology, Austria, 1990.
- Ni Weidou, Tsinghua University, P.R. China, 1991.
- Svetlozar Rachev, University of California, Santa Barbara, the USA, 1992.
- John Argiris, Stuttgart University, Germany, 1993.
- Herman Branover, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 1993.
- Heinz Bergmann, Graz University of Technology, Austria, 1993.
- Robert Rutford, University of Texas at Dallas, the USA, 1993.
- Helmut Seitz, Reutlingen University, Germany, 1994.
- Ludwik Finkelstein, City University, London, United Kingdom, 1994.
- Rolf Schönfeld, Dresden University of Technology, Germany, 1995.
- Michael Shur, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, the USA, 1995.
- Ervin Stain, Hanover University, Germany, 1995.
- The Most Reverend John, the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, Russia, 1995.
- Shigeru Sudo, National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan, 1995.
- Friedrich Wenzel, Hanover University, Germany, 1995.
- John Tegopulos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1995.
- Saparmurad Niyazov, the first President of Turkmenistan, 1995.
- Hanno Schaumburg, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, 1996.
- Franz Zigler, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 1996.
- Gu Lo-Guan, Chongqing University, P.R. China, 1996.
- Charles Hirsch, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, 1997.
- Adolf Shwab, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, 1997.
- Zbigniew Ciok, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, 1997.
- Victor Sadovnichy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, 1998.
- Boris Paton, National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, 1998.
- Jacues Amouroux, University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France, 1999.
- Kari Eklund, South-Karelia Polytechnic, Finland, 1999.
- Kai Siegbahn, Uppsala University, Sweeden, 1999.
- Stefan Berczinski, Szczecin University of Technology, Poland, 1999.
- Yuri Osipov, President of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 1999.
- Bernhard Shrefler, University of Padua, Italy, 1999.
- Lorenzo Morillas Cueva, University of Granada, Spain, 1999.
- Michel Ianoz, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, Switzerland, 1999.
- Jürgen Graul, Hanover University, Germany, 2000.
- Zhores Alferov, RAS Ioffe Physical and Technological Institute, Russia, 2000.
- Werner Zielke, Hanover University, Germany, 2000.
- Michael Tendler, Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology, 2001.
- Klaus Peter Schmidt, Limburgs University Centre, Diepenbeek, Belgium, 2001.
- Georg Obieglo, University of Reutlingen, Germany, 2001.
- Manfred Thumm, Germany, Research Centre Karlsruhe, Germany, 2001.
- Evgenyi Primakov, President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Russia, 2001.
- Ludmila Verbitskaya, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 2001.
- Hassan Risheh, Minister of Higher Education of Syrian Arabic Republic, 2002.
- The Most Reverend Vladimir, the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, Russia, 2002.
- Jan Krysinski, Technical University of Lodz, Poland, 2003.
- Mykhailo Zgurovsky, National Technical University of the Ukraine – Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine, 2003.
- Christian Nedess, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, 2003.
- Abay Tursunov, Kazakh al’ Faraby National University, 2003.
- William Morris, Culham Science Centre, United Kingdom, 2004.
- Xiong Jia-Jiong, Tsinghua University, P.R. China, 2004.
- David Rhind, City University London, United Kingdom, 2006.
- Yigal Ronen, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2007.
- His Holiness Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia, 2007.
- Erich Barke, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, 2008.
- Rudolf Schilling, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany, 2008.
- Hans Irschik, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, 2008.
- Constantine Arcoumanis, City University London, United Kingdom, 2009.
- Valentina Matvienko, the Governor of St. Petersburg, Russia, 2002.
- Guido Van Oost, Ghent University, Belgium, 2003.
- Sveinung Loset, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2004.
- Kim Gee Yim, Honorary Consul General of Republic of Korea in St. Petersburg, 2004.
- Anneli Pirtilla, South Karelia Polytechnic, Finland, 2004.
- Carel van Eijk, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, 2005.
- Baldur Veit, Reutlingen University, Germany, 2006.
- Constantine Arcoumanis, City University London, United Kingdom, 2006.
- Uwe Heisel, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2007.
- Arthur E. Bergles, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, 2007.
- Ilia Klebanov, Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Northwest Federal District of Russian Federation, 2008.
- Alexander Bogatov, "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin", Russia, 2008.
- Jeurgen Bohl, Diehl BGT Defence Gmbh & Co. KG, Germany, 2008.
- Sanowar H. Khan, City University London, United Kingdom, 2009.
- Gerd Schimansky-Geier, InWEnt gGmbH, Bonn, Germany, 2009.
- Jorg Seume, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, 2010.