Our Periodicals
Journal of Civil Engineering
- ISSN 2071-4726, e-ISSN 2071-0305
Subjects: Building and Construction
Frequency: 8 times per year.
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Journal
- ISSN 1994-2354
Subjects: Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering
Frequency: 4 times per year.
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Journal. Humanities and social scences
- ISSN 2304-9758
Subjects: Politics and regional studies; History and archeology; Philosophy and cultural studies; Education
Frequency: 4 times per year.
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Journal. Computer Science, Telecommunications and Control Systems
- ISSN 2304-9766
Subjects: Computer science, computer hardware and system control; Management in social and economic systems; Radio engineering and communication; Electronics; Tool engineering; Metrology and information-measuring devices and systems
Frequency: 4 times per year.
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Journal. Physics and Mathematics
- ISSN 2304-9782
Subjects: Physics, Mathematics, Mechanics, Astronomy
Frequency: 4 times per year.
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Journal. Economics
- ISSN 2304-9774
Subjects: Economic Theory; Economics and national economy; Finance, monetary circulation and credit; Mathematical methods in Economics
Frequency: 6 times per year.
Problems of information security. Computer systems
- ISSN 2071-8217
Subjects: Computer studies; Automation, Computing
Frequency: 4 times per year.
Theory of mechanisms and machines
- ISSN 2079-0201, e-ISSN 2079-021X
Subjects: Mechanics; Mechanical engineering; Tool engineering; Transport
Frequency: 4 times per year.
Proceedings of the SPbPU
- ISSN 1993-3878
Subjects: Multidisciplinary
Frequency: 1 times per year.
University scientific consortium
- ISSN 2222-5064
Subjects: Physics and mathematics; Engineering sciences; Biological sciences
Frequency: 4 times per year.