One of the important tasks of international policies is to find external financing of scientific and educational activities in the form of grants including those from international funds and programs. Participation in international projects and the implementation of joint research and educational projects can be carried out in the framework of bilateral agreements, and as part of international consortia. Funding can be implemented in several forms:
- direct financing from funds and programs;
- co-financing with the involvement of the university funds;
- co-financing within the programs of coordinated and joint competitions, through the Russian funds (FTP, RFFI and RNF funds, etc);
- individual and private funding.
The aim of such projects is to unite efforts of the academic community, industrial companies and administrative structures of different countries and regions to address the pressing challenges facing the society, to ensure the optimal use of financial resources, to implement innovative scientific ideas and to improve the quality of education and introduction of new educational technologies. The International Office facilitates the process of getting the grants by SPbPU employees and departments and supports the following activities:
- establishing contacts with international organizations, financing the joint international projects and grants;
- interaction with the representatives of foreign companies, research and educational institutions, municipal and administrative authorities of other countries, with the aim of forming consortia and partnerships for the participation in the relevant programs;
- information support of SPbPU staff members about the current and planned contests, programs and funds;
- recommendation and help in preparing applications.